Ways & Means Committee . . .

The Ways & Means committee establishes and coordinates annual fundraising programs focusing on raising monies, donations or in-kind services to achieve the Chapter's annual objectives by setting dates and arranging locations (and/or support services).

Our Goals

Establish a program that capitalizes on past successes, but does not limit new initiatives.

Reach as many members (and non-members within the supporting organizations) as practical.

Be consistent over the years so as to more easily secure concurrence to conduct the program.

News / Events / Tidbits

Amazon Smile

Attention all you Amazon shoppers! The Gulf Coast ASMC Chapter is now available to receive a portion of any purchase you make at Amazon. Simply use the link listed below and Amazon will donate .5% of the price of your eligle purchases to the Gulf Coast ASMC Chapter.


The Ways & Means committee is responsible for establishing and coordinating annual fundraising programs to meet the chapter's annual objectives. Since this year we are focusing on improving the chapter's operating budget, this committee is the organization's life blood. It is through the work and dedication of this group, in conjunction with others, that we can do things like put on the mini PDI, offer training and educational opportunities, present awards, and award scholarships.

The committee is in the process of setting up or planning events for the year, and invite you to submit other ideas. We will keep you updated on the upcoming events.